Category: sociology & psychology

  • The role of the law

    There are two possible roles that the law can fulfill: protecting the weak from being exploited, or protecting the exploitation of the weak. In the first case it works for the interests of the poor, in the second case for the interests of the rich. In the case of employment, trade unions successfully fought to […]

  • The problem of unique culture

    Lifestyle is equivalent with personal culture, which is one instance of a culture. People with lifestyles that deviate from the surrounding culture of any known group in a large degree can be said to have a “unique culture”: just as unique as the culture of an ethnic group, for example. Now the problem with having […]

  • The art of mental management

    During the last week I learned two important things. First, real desperation is one of the worst imaginable conditions. (To the extent that I speculate: being stuck in desperation forever could be said to be “in hell”.) Second: thinkers are more prone to fall into desperation, but there are learnable mental management techniques to guard […]

  • Got ensnared by modern fascism

    I just read an insightful comment on Traditional fascism demands order and submission; modern fascism flatters the individuals, furthers the illusion of freedom and self-determination and controls the people mostly nonviolently by conditioning them. (Tina, comment #111 on “Geht’s noch tiefer” on; translation by me) Why do I post this? I think I […]

  • On communicating emotions

    One of the most difficult tasks on earth is, how to communicate emotions between human beings as exactly as possible. So that the receiver gets the message (the emotion) as close as possible to the one intended by the sender. People say, music is a means for communicating emotions. This is partially true, but music […]

  • Adult loneliness

    Observation: adults (people above 20) do not change in character normally. Even worse, they also do not change in qualification. They finished their formal education, which set the direction, and until their death, they normally keep going in that direction. But without change, there is no hope. What’s the reason for this alarming static condition […]

  • Deriving joy from meaning

    What is meaning? Meaning is the role assigned to entities and events by their factual context. Example: an old man is lying on the street; in context New Delhi, zero meaning is assigned to him; in context Western Europe, normally at least enough to get him treated in a hospital. The relevant factual context can […]