Category: Autarky Lab

  • For the old tradition of going to war

    In old times, it is said, the king of a people would march to war in the first row. Today, politicians are absent in the wars they propagate. After watching this YouTube video clip here, I definitely want politicians to adhere to the tradition. The clip is real footage from helmet cameras of U.S. soldiers […]

  • The Geek (lyrics)

    I dunno who they are, I don’t even like their music or the YouTube live videos of this song. I jus’ found these catchy lyrics by them on a blog that I read. They seem to really understand about geekyness! Which is something very rare, and a geek’s solace. Here they go: Wir sind Helden […]

  • Am I libertarian?

    Searching for my last blog post by Google made me find highly entertaining stuff. The fact that I find it entertaining probably makes me a libertarian. What is it? First, the Seasteading Project. They’re going to populate the ocean in international waters, i.e. founding new states as laboratories for new kinds of societies. It’s not […]

  • Gesellschaftsmodell »Autarke Communities«

    This time I’m writing in German, as by chance, I wrote the idea in German when it came to my mind today. It’s the further development of the »Multiplying Power Community« idea into a model for a society, with jump-start-ability. Contact me if you need the contents in English. Bzgl. der Grundversorgung autarke Communities als […]

  • To the 8% homeless in L.A.

    In L.A., approx. 8% of the population is living on the streets, sleeping in their cars [source]. Which is, to a significant part, an effect of the financial and economic crisis. (The L.A. numbers are the highest in th U.S. … I’m not writing here that this is a nation-wide phenomenon in the U.S.) Wait […]

  • Market, you're damn stupid!

    Regarding my job, I’ve a strong feeling that prohibits me from doing work that deems senseless to me. (It’s not that I don’t need to do such things just for the money, but it’s a torture.) The problem is, now, that mine and the market’s opinions what is meaningful to do deviate widely. It’s easy […]

  • My anti-nuclear concept

    The static reach of the world’s exploitable Uranium is 70 years. Which means it’s fairly easy to solve the problem of nuclear weapons once and for all. A state would have to devote itself to consume as much nuclear material in reactors as possible. They’d build new reactors and buy nuclear material worldwide. That way […]