What are some interesting SugarCRM extensions?

This list is the result of a comprehensive research on sugarforge.com (done on 2009-12-02) forthe most helpful and most interesting plugins from sugarforge.org that are helpful for the purposes of a SugarCRM deployment that I created  at that time. Especially, I searched how to realize the feature to to see for multiple contacts at once by what campaigns they are covered; however, no extension provided that feature directly at this time.

Hint: the best way to search for extensions is this list. If you search for Open Source extensions only, search in that list by licence.

  1. ZuckerSync for OpenEMM. Perhaps useful, if OpenEMM is used as the E-Mail sending engine. Or as a template to create a sync extension for another e-mail sending software.
  2. AJEXA iMarketing. For better result tracking of campaigns; for creating nice HTML mails from within SugarCRM.
  3. Power Prospecting. Adds the option to add contacts to target lists directly from the contacts component. This is recommended for more comfortable creation of contact lists [source]. Could be extended to show the target lists of contacts in contacts lists, but we’d need to show the individual mails … or don’t we?
  4. ZuckerReports. Might be useful for creating lists of contacts and showing at the same time to which campaigns they belong.
  5. SynoReports. Reports that can include custom SQL queries and output to lists in SugarCRM. Might be useful for creating lists of contacts and showing at the same time to which campaigns they belong.
  6. Funambol-SugarCRM Connector. For using address data etc. from Sugar CRM on mobile devices, like the IPhone. Probably also good for syncing with an OS X address book.
  7. CarouselCRM. A native client for SugarCRM, with offline mode, also adding sync features for Skype, Word etc..
  8. Custom Import Templates. Importing addresses from XML and the like.
  9. AutoProspects. Updating e-mail target lists semi-automatically.
  10. StoreIt. Automatically saves BCC’ed or forwarded e-mails to the respective customer records. Perhaps not needed as SugarCRM now includes full integration with e-mailing.
  11. Talend Open Studio. Eclipse RCP based application for migrating data to SugarCRM, syncing with other databases and the like.
  12. ModuleBuilder. The simplest way of creating a new extension for SugarCRM. But probably already included in SugarCRM CE 5.5 RC.
  13. German address format. Tool available as country_address_ger_0-5b.zip, indexed at the iscon download list. Not recommended because of a major problem:
    • Installation is done as a normal SugarCRM module in “Admin -> Module administration”.
    • In its manifest.php it says that it works for SugarCRM CE 5.2*. Installing on version 5.5 did not work (the “country” field in address forms was a dropdown field without values).
    • No simple workaround or fix was found for this problem. The problem seems not to be related to the mod_suphp permissions problems (as the workaround to use “chmod -R a+r,o+X *” in the httpdocs/ directory after installing the module and after populating cache/ by first calling it does cure all permissions errors in the access log, but does not cure the problem of the empty select box).
    • More interesting links around this problem:
      sugercrm.com thread 180006
      SugarCRM wiki: Converting all country fields to dropdowns
      sugercrm.com thread 51347
      sugarcrm.com thread 40137
    • Note that, after uninstalling the module, you need to clear the cache yourself to no longer have the contact form rendered according to that module. Reloading the page alone does not help, instead use:
      rm -R cache/modules/Contacts/*







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