Author: matt

  • Making people think!

    Christians seem to be well-accepted on practical grounds while their faith is ignored. Theres nothing bad and no harm they do to others; they do good things; they are honest; they work diligently. Sadly, all this does not make many people think about their destiny … instead, people are tempted to exploit the goodwill of […]

  • Questioning the market

    The market economy exchanged efficiency for convenience. It is convenient that the market controls itself and no (possibly currupt) central control organization needs to be in place. It is inconvenient to control such a big thing as a national (or world) economy. However, central linear organization (i.e. upfront full task decomposition) and the uncontrolled market […]

  • For the sake of

    concrete kitten, fridge, crete deepest sender, bus, green grey flower outside, freakstock Heimatmuseum Wißmar wood, dike briving abstract be deep imagine the ideal find the common principle recognize what’s wrong think about your creator publish your inventions determine the probability that the simplest possible von Neumann machine (“life”) is a coincidence to be 1E40.000 but […]

  • Read these 1364 inventions

    Today it came to my mind to publish a list of my inventions (some inventions from friends are included as well). This list was never published before. It will illustrate that inventing solutions and other needless technical stuff is one of my strange spare-time interests. Sad for most of you: this list is written in […]

  • Friendship is an interaction

    Me thinks the following to be an interesting insight. Friendship is something that does not exist in a statical way, but consists solely of the dynamic components. Friendship is done, it consists of interaction between persons. (Which is a difference to partnership, which exists also statically as it is binding.) So what does this mean: […]

  • Born into a world, chose a city

    I’ve been driving to work in two expedition vehicles. I’ve been eating a barbecued steak at lunch, which was three day’s provision. I’ve been shopping, which is chilly mountain scenery. My lawn mower is the spare wheel of a truck. My living room is a cubicle, misplaced in a living nature. My bathroom only smells […]

  • Formfehler in der Beziehung zu Gott?

    Wer sich mal eine Zeit lang im mathematischen Beweisen oder im experimentellen Beantworten wissenschaftlicher Fragestellungen üben musste der hat wohl auch dieses interessante, immer wiederkehrende Muster entdeckt: geniale Lösungen sind die kurzen, und kurz wird eine Lösung wenn man einen einfach zu untersuchenden, zentralen Parameter erkennt. Interessant finde ich, das auch im Bereich der Beziehung […]