Yeah, I'm losing my job 🙂

Today, 2007-11-30 at about 10:30, my chef and friend called me and
told me we’re both losing our current job at 2007-12-31. Basically,
that’s cool … not just that I really dislike this job. Times of
changes are
times where new and good things can arise. And even better, risky times
have the latent possibility that one might experience God immediately:
how he cares about me personally, and supplies for me personally, as I
need this.

It’s no box of chocolates, though. I thought about the bad things
that might happen … having no money at all, for example. So this post
is to remind me how to behave when this time is come:

(31) ‘So then, do not keep asking, “What shall we eat?” “What
shall we drink?” and “What shall we wear?” (32) It is the people who do
not believe in God who work for all these things. Your Father in heaven
knows that you need them all. (33) ‘Work first for God’s kingdom and
what he calls good. Then you will have all these things also. (34) ‘So
do not be troubling yourself about tomorrow. Tomorrow will have its own
trouble. Today’s trouble is enough for today.’ [Matthew
6:31-34 BWE

But what is to “work for God’s kingdom and what he calls good”? I
think that Paul talks baout exactly this when he says that God’s
kingdom is about something different than eating and drinking:

“(17) The kingdom of God is not about what a person eats and
drinks. But it is about living in a way which is right with God. It is
peace. It is joy because a person has the Holy Spirit. (18) A person
who does the work of Christ in this way pleases God. And people like
him. (19) But we must do the things that make peace and that help each
other to do better.” [Romans
14:17-19 BWE

That’s interesting: to work for God’s kingdom is not to serve in
your church. But it is to care about living out righteousness, peace
and joy! It’s about doing exactly the
things you do now, but in God’s quality. It’s about caring how you work
(the moral quality), not about the result of your work (the money).
Money is God’s business.

Start date: 2007-11-30
Post date: 2007-11-30
Version date: 2007-11-30 (for last meaningful change)







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