Christian folks often have a blessed ignorance when it comes to heaven. O.k., the Book says not much ’bout it, but we missed to make us some warmer thoughts on that topic. Most folks did not even realize the full extent of what is going wrong on earth, so they expect too much stuff from earth to be also in heaven, and then start to wonder if God is love if there is steady toil in heaven? Or even worse, if God will prohibit us in heaven from knowing each other, or from loving our mate from earth in a special way?
But now, for the alternative. Do we dare to think heaven is a place that is a permanent blessing for the senses? And without toil in the work? Like Schlaraffenland but with love instead of laziness? If yes, we think that Gods wants a permanent (eternal) sensual blessing for us. Then, we cannot at the same time think that anything “less than heaven” in this world corresponds to God’s character, or even, in the full sense of the word, is a gift of God. If it’s “worldly good”, it is what God can give us while we live here (constrained by the state of the world as it is), but so much less than what he wants to give us. If it’s “worldly bad” (natural catastrophies etc.), it has nothing to do with God’s character at all.
To express this kind of insight, I want a 30min movie clip that expresses this “heaven” feeling when viewed in a comfortable position on a big screen and with good audio equipment. The mood when starting to view this clip is of no relevance, as such a clip has the power to communicate the desired feeling into any personal situation. The clip should use instrumental music in the background, sounds of nature, and probably no spoken words. It should be about people’s daily lives, filled with love and adoration, without any pain, toil, illness and death.
Such a movie clip, and others of that kind, could be the best kind of stuff to make people think about life, love and God.
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