Category: Computing
How to keep your data on a small removable SSD with USB interface?
The idea explored here is to separate your data physically from the computer that you are using them on. This has the following advantages: (1) you are quite safe from theft because you can keep carrying your data with you always, even when having to let your notebook at home or in a hotel because it […]
How to set up a clean web hosting directory layout in Plesk 11.5?
If you are using Plesk as a server control panel and took part in all updates starting with some Plesk 10 version, you will notice that your recent version (Plesk 11.5 currently) has a total mess with respect to the web hosting directory layout. That's because during some of these updates, Plesk migrated its hosting […]
What is a set of recommendable basic Android applications?
This is my list of Android applications that I recommend everyone to have and install on own phones and phones prepared for clients. Of course everybody will need more apps for specialized purposes, but these ones should be relevant for every user. Selection criteria for this list: only one selected best app for every purpose any […]
How to create @mentions with auto-suggest and notifications in Drupal 7?
Usually, you can have mentions with e-mail notifications using the Drupal mentions module, or mentions with auto-suggest using the Drupal ckeditor_mentions module, but not both. But it turns out you can, indeed, by combining both modules (see also). Here are detailed instructions how to set thus up. Recommended: Using Message Notify for message sending Install […]
How to redirect traffic from a server to another?
Forwarding web traffic This can come in very helpful when switching servers and wanting to avoid any downtime while the updated DNS entries propagate over 48 hours through the Internet. This is esp. important for websites with Make sure you meet the requirements. You need: Your old server has to be a Linux / Unix […]
How to install ISPConfig 3 on an Ubuntu 13.10 (saucy) VPS?
You can follow all the steps of the official HowTo “The Perfect Server – Ubuntu 13.04 (Apache2, BIND, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3)“. To get it to work afterwards on Ubuntu 13.10, use these additional steps: Switch to a .vhost naming scheme for Apache2 site configurations. In Apache2 2.4, only the sites-enabled/*.conf files will be loaded automatically, […]
How to install COIN-OR?
We needed a fast, dedicated server to solve optimization problems. So let’s install COIN-OR CBC (the MLP optimization solver we use). We start from a stock Ubuntu 13.10 machine, as it will happen to you when deploying on Amazon EC2 Spot Instances, like we do. The easiest way to get COIN-OR OS and CBC installed […]