Java: How do I simplify handling of booleans?

Working with booleans is simple and easy, right? Right. But sometimes it’s quite redundant. Conside a simple class called Human, which consists of a firstname, lastname and a weight.

The code on this page is trivial but in my experience very useful. There are many places where you can use the BooleanWorker class. Here’s an example for such a case:

public class Human {    
private Integer weight;     
private String firstname;     
private String lastname; 
//... skipped constructor, equals, hashCode, setters and getters 

And this is what IntelliJ 7 generates for the equals() method:

public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this == o) return true;
    if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;

    Human human = (Human) o;

    if (firstname != null ? !firstname.equals(human.firstname) : human.firstname != null) 
        return false;
    if (lastname != null ? !lastname.equals(human.lastname) : human.lastname != null) 
        return false;
    if (weight != null ? !weight.equals(human.weight) : human.weight != null) 
        return false;

    return true;

Quite nice code but not very good to read.
I prefer something like this:

public boolean myEquals(Object o) {
    if (this == o) return true;
    if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;

    Human human = (Human) o;

    BooleanWorker w = new BooleanWorker();
    w.rememberEquals(firstname, human.firstname);
    w.rememberEquals(lastname, human.lastname);
    w.rememberEquals(weight, human.weight);
    return w.isValid();

Of course, in comparision there’s one object creation and several method calls. But hey – I don’t care. It’s better to read now and more DRY at the same time. And the Java VM is optimizing anyway, so I think most of the code will be inlined. But I’m too lazy to check that.

Here’s the implementation.

package de.ansorgs.common.util;

 * This class helps building equals methods.
 * It is not thread safe.

* License: Public domain. If you like please mention me as the original author. * * @author Joachim Ansorg, java at joachim-ansorg . de */ public class BooleanWorker { private boolean result = true; public boolean isValid() { return result; } public final void remember(final boolean value) { this.result = this.result && value; } public void remember(final Boolean value) { remember(value.booleanValue()); } /** * Compares two objects. If a equals b the result stays the same, if they * don't equal the result is set to false. * This method accepts null values. * * @param a First object. May be null. * @param b Second object. May be null. */ public void rememberEquals(final Object a, final Object b) { if (!result) { return; } if (a != null && b != null) { remember(a.equals(b)); } else { //at least a or b is null, so we return true if both are null //otherwise we return false remember(a == b); } } }







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