Category: Think Thrice

  • Women's bonus

    There’s currently a very funny thing happening in my favourite 4×4 truck forum. A young woman wants to buy herself a Magirus Mercur 4×4 truck, to live in it. She asked the forum for tips how to check the vehicle and how to drive home, and got a deluge of tips, hints, help, private phone […]

  • Am I libertarian?

    Searching for my last blog post by Google made me find highly entertaining stuff. The fact that I find it entertaining probably makes me a libertarian. What is it? First, the Seasteading Project. They’re going to populate the ocean in international waters, i.e. founding new states as laboratories for new kinds of societies. It’s not […]

  • Way cool: Overland Missions

    It has been some time now that I searched the Internet again and again, for a group of people with the same style and interests as mine. You know, expedition style, interested in God’s supernatural acts, living in and developing development countries, all that stuff … . Now today about 0.00 AM I found the […]

  • An old draft for an expedition vehicle …

    What to do to files that are too good to throw away, and to useless to keep them in their place? Blog them! Here’s a image manipulation draft that I did to a Magirus Mercur of a friend, and to a workshop box body (that I wanted to buy originally, before getting the freezer box […]

  • Jesus and the figs

    Yesterday, some friends and me discussed a strange story from the Gospels. We had some ideas, but could not really determine what is the correct interpretation. So, some more thoughts here. The story was that where Jesus cursed the fig tree, in Mk 11:12-14, 19-24: 12 On the next day, when they had left Bethany, […]

  • My anti-nuclear concept

    The static reach of the world’s exploitable Uranium is 70 years. Which means it’s fairly easy to solve the problem of nuclear weapons once and for all. A state would have to devote itself to consume as much nuclear material in reactors as possible. They’d build new reactors and buy nuclear material worldwide. That way […]

  • It's called pair relationship

    Ones choice of words expresses, among other stuff, ones conceptualization of things. Ones understanding of the world and the relationship of the things inside. Regarding choice of words, I always wondered what might be an appropriate word for the “marriage” relationship type, including the pre-marital time that shares the same type of relationship quality. It’s […]