Category: Computing

  • How to reduce the output of a Rails console?

    When working with a Rails console to run some scripts on a database or similar, the default output of all the database queries and command results can be quite a lot and can slow down the processing considerably. Not to mention that it also can severely limit the readability of what your script outputs … […]

  • How to install Android-x86 4.0.4 in VirtualBox?

    The by far best and simple variant is to download Buildroid 4.0.4 RC1.1 version 2012-06-10 with Google Apps and Houdini. It's a virtual appliance to be imported right into VirtualBox. The announcement for this can be found in BuilDroid: Running ARM apps, and there are some third-party installation instructions. As a special feature, this variant […]

  • What Push-to-Talk application can be recommended for Android?

    Requirements List of the requirements I have in mind. By importance: available for Android. no airtime minute use. This application must rely on data transfer only, especially to not cause any additional costs in usage across national borders. wi-fi and mobile data connection options. The application must be able to use mobile data (whatever is available: GPRS […]

  • How to install Mnemosyne 2.0 on Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin?

    In my evaluation, Mnemosyne is the best vocabulary etc. learning application that is available on Linux – see the comparison in my list post on free tools for learning Spanish. But the Ubuntu 12.04 Lucid Lynx archives contain only the 1.2.2 version, while the upcoming 12.10 release will contain the much improved 2.0 version of […]

  • How to run WordsGalore on Ubuntu Linux 12.04?

    WordsGalore is a cute little gratis application for learning Spanish, Chinese or Korean when knowing English. It is however from 2006 and seems no longer maintained, and also I found no way how to make it test me by showing the English words and requesting the Spanish … . But, it has a vocabulary based on […]

  • How to execute the code contained in a file in Ruby, when that file is only accessible by URL?

    You could normally use load() to include and execute a Ruby file [source]; but it only works with files, not URLs. If you want to execute Ruby code stored inside a file that you can only access by URL, do it like this: require ‘open-uri’ code_from_url = open(‘’) {|f| } eval(code_from_url) Note that we […]

  • Recommendation for embedding local videos in WordPress?

    It has been a time since I last published a local video file on a WordPress blog, so I searched for a solution that would be up to date with respect to HTML5 video. Of course it should also be open source and easy to use. And there is such a thing: Video.js. It’s an […]