Way cool: Overland Missions

It has been some time now that I searched the Internet again and again, for a group of people with the same style and interests as mine. You know, expedition style, interested in God’s supernatural acts, living in and developing development countries, all that stuff … .

Now today about 0.00 AM I found the first group that’s close to the target! I mean, really close. I watched some of their videos and thought, wow, they have scenes I wanted in my vids in some years 🙂 The organization is called Overland Missions, and they do evangelistic outreaches and humanitarian help for “forgotten people” in their villages. Mainly in Africa, but they also do expeditions all over the world.

Also, what’s really really cool are their reports from the field, regarding God’s activity. To me, they seem quite sober and authentic (though further investigation is necessary, of course). One example, from their Nov 2007 newsletter: one of the team members (Lindsay) prayed for the healing of an African woman who was blind and dumb. Nothing happened. And then:

The next day the team was doing door-to-door ministry when they met a woman that began to share her testimony with the interpreter.

The interpreter said, “She said that she was healed by the Bible.”

Lindsay said, “Praise God! How great! Jesus heals!”

She then turned to the interpreter and asked him to speak to the woman about what she was healed from. He responded by saying, ” She woke up this morning and she could see and she could hear!”

It was at that moment that Lindsay realized that the woman that she prayed for the day before had been healed overnight.

Sounds incredible? If you can’t believe it, go yourself and check these stories yourself. Or, join me for that 😉 After all, if this is all true: it’s so way cool to have a God who proves himself to this wrecked world in such majestic ways!!!






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