EarthOS 0.13 released!

Has been nearly a year since the last release. But then again, it's just a for-fun project for me at the moment where I put in some spare hour to relax by indulging into creative technological thinking and some systems engineering. Anyway, here we go:

The new version 0.13 of the EarthOS document has been published. Access it with that given link, or via “Downloads -> Main” in the site menu.

What's it all about? A constantly evolving open content project where I collect and orchestrate existing open hardware and open source projects and own ideas into a system with which you could manage all material and technological requirements of living, from food to water supply, mobility to clothing, health care to Internet connection.

What is it good for? Personally I use it as a framework of thought: I do not implement it all since it's too much of an effort for one person alone, but where applicable I align the designs of stuff I build according to the EarthOS proposals. For example, things I integrate into my mobile home. So I guess it would be great as a combined roadmap that could help all the open projects to coordinate efforts for arriving at a fully open world efficiently and fast. Preferably in our lifetime!

What's new? Too much to count. Really, it's 850 pages now and I do not remember all I changed. Main aspects are however the energy supply design: levels L2 and L3 rely on biomass gasification now. This includes innovative ideas that have never been tried to my knowledge, like a bike with wood gas powered assisted power engine, or a truck where 100% of all energy is used because the 60-70% thermal energy, normally lost via the exhaust and radiator, is used for meaningful work like drying collected biomass and recycling water by multi-stage distillation.

Why are there no images? :S Umh, I admit the document is very much in draft state, also still containing untranslated German sections etc.. It's like a brain dump … and probably shows the nature of my thoughts: many details but not aesthetically pleasing 😀 I am wide open to your proposals how we could make this a great, usable piece of content. In order to make faster progress, we'd either need more people, or some compensation so I can put in more hours. Any ideas? Any feedback on how applicable this is for a small crowdfunding campaign?







2 responses to “EarthOS 0.13 released!”

  1. hey, are you familiar with open source ecology? looks like a project with similar goals, maybe makes sense to join forces? (if you’re still working on this?)

  2. Hey David, yes I know OSE. Talked with Marcin a bit some time ago. At one point I was pretty close to integrate all the EarthOS content into their wiki and work as kind of an editor for that wiki, but I had no time in the end 🙁 I’ll have to find a way to join forces with somebody else though, the EarthOS content as it is now is not in a useful shape. Greetings from Kathmandu! –Matt

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